Testnet Account Setup
Create and fund a Testnet account on chain 1 using the “Coin Faucet” smart contract.
What you will accomplish
- Create an account
- Get some Testnet KDA coins
Step-by-step instructions
- In the Keys section of Chainweaver and copy your public key
- Go to faucet.testnet.chainweb.com
- Select “Create and fund new account”
- Enter your public key in the “Public Key” field
- Enter some unique name in the “Account Name” field
- Select “Create and fund new account”
- Wait about 30 seconds, then select “Check Request Status” to see the transaction confirmation message
- Go back to Chainweaver and in the account section click on "+ Watch Account"
- Type the account name you have chosen for yourself and click "Add"
- You should see all 20 tokens you have received from the Testnet faucet!